Angel Funds (Field of Interest)

Angel Funds:

Cancer, Arthritis, Alzheimer/ Dementia, Diabetes, Heart, Hospice, Kidney, Lung, Parkinson's, Children's 
The Angel Funds began in 2000.  One of the driving forces behind the inception of this program was through conversations with our local funeral directors.  At that time, the majority of the donations were sent to national organizations that would not return to Adams County. 
The goal of the ACCF Angel Funds is to redirect the memorial contributions to be used by local residents.  The money earned stays in Adams County to assist Adams County residents/ patients with assistance of equipment, medicine, transportation to treatment, general living expenses, etc.
The Adams County Community Foundation (ACCF) has nine established Angel Funds.  These funds and the families associated with the inceptions are: Arthritis (in memory of Glen Everett by friends and family), Cancer (in memory of Rachel Spaulding Davis by Hank and Coni Mayer),  Dementia/Alzheimer's (tribute to Adams County residents by Richard 'Dick', ACCF president and Nyla Johnson), Diabetes  & Heart (tribute to Adams county residents by Mark and Julie Jahn), Hospice (tribute to Kathleen Dreyer by Dennis and Sylvia Scheumann), Kidney (tribute to Tyler Feasel by Phil and Carolyn Barger), Lung (in memory of Glen Everett), Parkinson's (in memory of David Lengerich by Deb Lengerich), and Children's (established by Richard 'Dick' Johnson).  Income earned from the ACCF Angel Fund will ensure that the donations are used locally by residents that experience these illnesses. 
Often when those in our community are diagnosed with a life-changing illness they are unable to work.  Unfortunately, the cost of life doesn't have any regard for income.  The medical bills, costs of transportation, groceries, and utility costs start to pile up.  These Agnel funds are here to help our families, children, friends, and neighbors. 
Any Adams County resident who is experiencing these conditions is encouraged to fill out an application.  Contributions will continue to support this fund indefinitely. 
Some examples of Angel Fund assistance: 
  • A single mom needed a chemo port inserted, but the medical facility would not fit her for this until she paid for it.  Not being able to work because she was sick, added to the mounting troubles.  The ACCF Angel Fund paid for this port procedure.
  • A day-care provider experiencing breast cancer had to reduce her hours.  This cut into her household budget.  The ACCF Angel Cancer Fund was able to help with living expenses and transportation to treatments.
  • A man needed transportation (through Council on Aging) to treatments in Ft. Wayne.  The ACCF Angel Cancer Fund provided financial support for transportation.     

Those who wish to donate can do so any time.   Respectfully remembering the many Adams County residents that have benefitted from these funds and those that have generously given in this support.  

Adams County dollars helping
Adams County residents