The Dean and Cindy
Wass Scholarship Fund. As reported by Dean and Cindy Wass, this fund was
established because they have been thankful for their combined 57 years as
educators and a lifetime of operating their family farm. Dean and Cindy Wass
created this scholarship as a legacy to their family.
Dean began his teaching career at Highland Terrace, East
Allen Community School as a fifth grade teacher for several years. He went on
to Wyneken Memorial Lutheran School where he taught fifth and sixth grades and
was principal for three years for a total of 30 rewarding years in education.
Cindy was a teachers’ aide for North Adams Community
Schools beginning at Monmouth, then Southeast and retiring after service at
Northwest Elementary School. For 27 years, she had the opportunity to assist
many fabulous educators and nurture hundreds of students in Kindergarten
through sixth grade classrooms.
Dean and Cindy were both raised on Adams County family
farms as were their three children: Denise, Cheryl, and Brian. They saw the value of hard work and being of
service to others.
All three children are college graduates and were
recipients of ACCF scholarships. Denise is a physical therapist and professor
at Regis University in Colorado. Cheryl is a registered nurse and professor at
Goshen College in Indiana. Brian is a computer scientist, Software Engineer for
BITS Systems in Colorado. Cindy and Dean report that their children were very
appreciative of the assistance they were given.
They report that their family has truly been
blessed by God; therefore, it is an honor to share their financial support with
worthy Bellmont High School graduates pursuing a career in agriculture,
computer science, education, or health.