Substance Abuse Awareness Council-James A. Heimann Fund (Designated)


James A. Heimann – Substance Abuse Awareness Council Fund

The statistics are staggering!    Our Country has a problem.  It is alcohol and other drugs.  However, most people in Adams County do not realize that it is a gigantic problem in our own community.  Some might notice the lists of arrests in the newspaper for operating while intoxicated, minor consuming, public intoxication, or possession of drugs.

But those criminal cases only scratch the surface.  Alcohol and drugs are an integral part of almost all incidences of domestic violence and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and is a major factor in many divorces and child abuse.  One single DUI accident in Adams County resulted in more than 1.6 million dollars of medical expense.  The cost of abuse is astronomical. 

Judge James A. Heimann (shown) has confronted these issues as a military prosecutor in Viet Nam, a Public Defender, and Judge of Adams Superior Court.  His knowledge of the problem has given him a passionate desire to find a solution. 
The Substance Abuse Awareness Council consists of various members of the community that have an interest in the solution as well.  They have obtained a substantial Federal Grant to foster awareness in the local community.  But a continuing solution requires a long term commitment from the entire community, and, therefore, upon the Judge’s retirement, the Council created a fund in Judge Heimann’s honor to perpetuate ongoing efforts to reduce the negative impact of alcohol and other drugs.