Fund Est. August 2005
In 2005, Bryan Miller and Lindsey Arnold, two young people of Adams County, were diagnosed with cancer. Many throughout our community lifted them up in prayer and anxiously awaited updates on their condition and news of their latest medical options.
As Lindsey and Bryan’s struggles continued, elsewhere in Adams County a toddler died of liver disease, an infant lived but forty days in an intensive care unit before succumbing to a rare neurological disorder, and a teenager collapsed with mysterious chest pains discovered to be caused by a large, malignant tumor behind his heart. These valiant fights for life and health are costly ones, for both the children and their families. Some of the exorbitant medical expenses incurred are covered by insurance, but the cost of gas, hotels, meals and long-distance calls home with updates are not. Months and years of such a fight inevitably exhaust the family’s resources and spirits, leaving little to nothing for the future upon the child’s recovery. For those less fortunate families, long after the grief and heartbreak of a lost fight, the bills remain.
In 2005, the Adams County Bar Association founded the MILLER-ARNOLD RELIEF FUND* to aid the Adams County families of children (age 21 or under) who have accumulated catastrophic medical bills due to an illness or injury. Administered locally through the Adams County Community Foundation, funds are made available for distribution to families, and all contributions to this cause are tax deductible under Section 501(c)(3).
This community came together to provide spiritual, financial, and moral support for the families of Bryan and Lindsey. Sadly, on Sunday, November 13, 2005, Lindsey Arnold’s spirit left our world. On Tuesday, January 3, 2006, Bryan Miller was received into our Lord’s arms. Though they are gone, the memories of their fresh, full spirit lives on.
Since 2005, over $17,000 has been distributed to Adams County families who qualify for assistance through this special program. If you would like to add to this very worthwhile fund, please contact the ACCF.
* The Miller – Arnold Relief Fund Committee received approval from the parents of Bryan Miller and Lindsey Arnold to have their children act as representatives of this fund.